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Martijn Wobbes

Hey, I'm Martijn

An aspiring game developer pursuing a Master's degree in Game Design & Technology at the University of Gothenburg, with a strong foundation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

About Me Who I am and what I do.

Get to know me!

Hey! I'm Martijn Wobbes, a student persuing a Master's degree in Game Design & Technology at the University of Gothenburg. Before that, I persued a Bachelor's degree in Artifical Intelligence at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the country where I'm originally from.

Feel free to contact me here or check out some of my projects.


My Skills

Machine Learning

Projects These are a selection of the projects I have worked on.

Software Screenshot

Anomaly Cleanup Squad

3D topdown RTS shooter. Complete objectives while under constant threat of lethal intelligent alien-like specimens.

Half semester group project (4 members)

Behaviour Trees

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Software Screenshot

AI Research Project

Explores into utilizing explainable AI to trace noise in EEG scans.

Solo bachelor's thesis project

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Software Screenshot

2D Navigation Mesh & Behavior Trees

Navigation mesh and behaviour tree system from scratch for a 2D C# based game engine.

Half semester group project (4 members)

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Software Screenshot

OpenGL Procedural Terrain

Uses a marching cubes algorithm to generate procedural terrain on the GPU in openGL. Based on a previous paper by Nvidea.

Half semester solo project.

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Software Screenshot

Paradox Clue

A paradoxical game where you investigate a robbery, while simultanously commiting the robbery. The past affects the future, and the future affects the past.

Half semester group project (6 members)

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Contact If you wish to contact me you can fill in this form.
Alternatively, if you wish to email me directly, you can reach me on contact@martijnwobbes.com